License and ‘Voluntary Buying’
I’m not going to constrain use of my fonts by some strict license: I want to make contemporary and classical music accessible (in all meaning of this word, including technical one). So all fonts are distributed under SIL Open Font License: it allows using, embedding, modifying, distributing (including distributing in paid products) and forbids selling the fonts themselves. Nevertheless I spend a lot of time so you can type your scores fast and make them fine-looking.
So I can continue make new pretty and useful fonts,
I suggest a ‘gentlman’s agreement’ to you:
please donate at least €3 (200 рублей) or more for every personal download of Kh to:
Support the author
For Russia: Платёжная карта Visa Сбербанка в рублях:
4276 0031 4988 0085 NIKOLAY KHRUST
4276 0031 4988 0085 NIKOLAY KHRUST
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